

Our technicians are knowledgeable and skilled at concrete restoration, and we have decades of combined experience.


Concrete Restoration

Thul Specialty Contracting offers structural and non-structural concrete restoration and repair services. Our technicians are knowledgeable and skilled at concrete restoration, and we have decades of combined experience.


We recognize each concrete restoration job requires a unique approach. Whether restoring a crack, repairing a spall, or strengthening a failing component, Thul Specialty Contracting has the resources and familiarity to provide high quality concrete restoration services on time, on budget and on spec.

Concrete Spall Repair

The term “spalling” refers to concrete that has broken away from the rest of the slab. This is typically caused by moisture penetration corroding the rebar, causing a separation or delamination of the concrete.


In order to repair a spall, we must first remove all unsound concrete from the spall area. After all the unsound concrete has been removed, we clean any corroded rebar. Next, the rebar is coated with a corrosion inhibitor and the spall is prepared with a bonding agent for the new patch material.

The final step is to fill the void with a high strength patching agent. Depending on the location and depth of the void, the patching agent may need to be applied in lifts, or steps. Product manufacturers have found that, given the correct application of products and conditions, the repair can perform at least as well as the original.


Spalling before repair


After repair

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